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Stress Quotes

Top best new stress quotes for everyone in your life status » friends you will read in today’s post. Today’s post is related to stress quotes. You, will, get today's quotes. Stress quotes for Instagram images etc. And much more.

Friends today's post is the stress quotes about life. In this post, you will read an incredible and big post. I hope you will read this post and enjoy it. And I hope you will share this post with your friends. All Poetry Life

Stress Quotes

"Don't stress the could-haves. If it should have, it would have." - Unknown

"The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another." - William James

"Stress is caused by being 'here' but wanting to be 'there'." - Eckhart Tolle

"Stress is the trash of modern life—we all generate it but if you don't dispose of it properly, it will pile up and overtake your life." - Danzae Pace

"Stress is not what happens to us. It's our response to what happens. And response is something we can choose." - Maureen Killoran

"The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one." - Elbert Hubbard

"The more tranquil a man becomes, the greater is his success, his influence, his power for good." - James Allen

"If you want to conquer the anxiety of life, live in the moment, live in the breath." - Amit Ray

"In times of great stress or adversity, it's always best to keep busy, to plow your anger and your energy into something positive." - Lee Iacocca

"There is more to life than increasing its speed." - Mahatma Gandhi

"The time to relax is when you don't have time for it." - Sydney J. Harris

"The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another." - Unknown

"Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is relax." - Mark Black

"Stress is an alarm clock that lets you know you're attached to something not true for you." - Byron Katie

"Stress is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but never gets you anywhere." - Erma Bombeck

"Set peace of mind as your highest goal, and organize your life around it." - Brian Tracy

"Sometimes the most important thing in a whole day is the rest we take between two deep breaths." - Etty Hillesum

"Stress is the poison of the mind." - Paulus Potter

"You must learn to let go. Release the stress. You were never in control anyway." - Steve Maraboli

"Don't stress, do your best, forget the rest." - Unknown

"Stress is caused by being 'here' but wanting to be 'there'." - Eckhart Tolle

"Stress is the trash of modern life—we all generate it but if you don't dispose of it properly, it will pile up and overtake your life." - Danzae Pace

"The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one." - Elbert Hubbard

"The more tranquil a man becomes, the greater is his success, his influence, his power for good." - James Allen

"If you want to conquer the anxiety of life, live in the moment, live in the breath." - Amit Ray

"In times of great stress or adversity, it's always best to keep busy, to plow your anger and your energy into something positive." - Lee Iacocca

"There is more to life than increasing its speed." - Mahatma Gandhi

"The time to relax is when you don't have time for it." - Sydney J. Harris

"The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another." - Unknown

"Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is relax." - Mark Black

"Stress is an alarm clock that lets you know you're attached to something not true for you." - Byron Katie

"Stress is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but never gets you anywhere." - Erma Bombeck

"Set peace of mind as your highest goal, and organize your life around it." - Brian Tracy

"Sometimes the most important thing in a whole day is the rest we take between two deep breaths." - Etty Hillesum

"Stress is the poison of the mind." - Paulus Potter

"You must learn to let go. Release the stress. You were never in control anyway." - Steve Maraboli

"Don't stress, do your best, forget the rest." - Unknown

"Worrying is like sitting in a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but it doesn't get you anywhere." - Van Wilder

"Stress is an alarm clock that lets you know you're attached to something not true for you." - Byron Katie

"Don't let your mind bully your body into believing it must carry the burden of its worries." - Astrid Alauda

"Stress is the trash of modern life—we all generate it but if you don't dispose of it properly, it will pile up and overtake your life." - Danzae Pace

"The more tranquil a man becomes, the greater is his success, his influence, his power for good." - James Allen

"Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is relax." - Mark Black

"Stress is caused by being 'here' but wanting to be 'there'." - Eckhart Tolle

"The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one." - Elbert Hubbard

"Stress is like a glass of water. You can hold it for a while, but if you hold it for too long, it will become heavy and unbearable to carry." - Unknown

"The mind is like water. When it's turbulent, it's difficult to see. When it's calm, everything becomes clear." - Prasad Mahes

"Do not anticipate trouble or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight." - Benjamin Franklin

"Sometimes the most important thing in a whole day is the rest we take between two deep breaths." - Etty Hillesum

"Stress is the negative whirlwind of emotions that gets imposed on top of our stimulation and engagement." - Andrew J. Bernstein

"One of the best pieces of advice I ever got was from a horse master. He told me to go slow to go fast. I think that applies to everything in life. We live as though there aren't enough hours in the day but if we do each thing calmly and carefully, we will get it done quicker and with much less stress." - Viggo Mortensen

"The time to relax is when you don't have time for it." - Sydney J. Harris

"The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another." - Unknown

"Stress is an alarm clock that lets you know you're attached to something not true for you." - Byron Katie

"Stress is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but never gets you anywhere." - Erma Bombeck