Top Best New Famous Truth Quotes for Everyone

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Truth Quotes

Top Best New Truth Quotes for Everyone in Your Life Status » Friends You Will Read in Today’s Post. Today’s Post is Related to Truth Quotes. You, Will, Get Today Quotes. Truth Quotes for Instagram Images Etc. And Much More.

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Truth Quotes

"The truth will set you free." - Unknown

"The truth is rarely pure and never simple." - Oscar Wilde

"The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is." - Winston Churchill

"The truth is like a lion. You don't have to defend it. Let it loose. It will defend itself." - St. Augustine

"The truth is powerful. It may hurt, but it's worth pursuing." - Unknown

"The truth is always the strongest argument." - Sophocles

"The truth is not for all men, but only for those who seek it." - Ayn Rand

"The truth is rarely comfortable, but it is always worth seeking." - Unknown

"The truth is like a puzzle. Sometimes it takes time to put all the pieces together." - Unknown

"The truth may hurt for a little while, but a lie hurts forever." - Unknown

"The truth is like a torch; the more it is shaken, the more it shines." - Unknown

"The truth is like a diamond. It may be hidden, but it will always shine through." - Unknown

"The truth will always find a way to be known." - Unknown

"The truth is a powerful weapon. Wield it wisely." - Unknown

"The truth may be bitter, but it is always better than a sweet lie." - Unknown

"The truth is the foundation of all meaningful relationships." - Unknown

"The truth is like a compass that guides us through life." - Unknown

"The truth is like a mirror. You can try to hide it, but it will always reflect reality." - Unknown

"The truth may be hard to accept, but it is harder to live a lie." - Unknown

"The truth is like a key. It unlocks doors and sets us free." - Unknown

"The truth is not always easy to hear, but it is necessary for growth." - Unknown

"The truth is like a fire. It cannot be extinguished." - Unknown

"The truth is like a seed. When planted, it grows and bears fruit." - Unknown

"The truth is the foundation of trust." - Unknown

"The truth is like a lion. You don't have to defend it. Let it loose. It will defend itself." - Unknown

"The truth is a powerful force that cannot be denied." - Unknown

"The truth is like a hidden treasure. Seek it, and you will find it." - Unknown

"The truth is like a rock. It may be hard, but it is solid and unchanging." - Unknown

"The truth is like a lighthouse. It guides us through the stormy seas of life." - Unknown

"The truth is like a sword. It may cut, but it also has the power to heal." - Unknown

"The truth is like a puzzle. Only when all the pieces fit together can we see the whole picture." - Unknown

"The truth is the foundation of integrity." - Unknown

"The truth is like a mirror. It reflects reality, no matter how much we try to distort it." - Unknown

"The truth is a powerful weapon against injustice." - Unknown

"The truth is like a compass. It points us in the right direction." - Unknown

"The truth is like a mountain. It stands tall and cannot be moved." - Unknown

"The truth is a light that illuminates the darkness." - Unknown

"The truth is like a breath of fresh air. It brings clarity and clears away deception." - Unknown

"The truth is the foundation of wisdom." - Unknown

"The truth is like a river. It flows freely, carrying with it the power to cleanse and purify." - Unknown

"The truth is like a beacon. It shines brightly, guiding us home." - Unknown

"The truth is a path that leads to freedom." - Unknown

"The truth is like a melody. It resonates deep within our souls." - Unknown

"The truth is a powerful ally. Embrace it and let it guide you." - Unknown

"The truth is like a puzzle. Each piece brings us closer to the whole picture." - Unknown

"The truth is a precious gift. Cherish it and use it wisely." - Unknown

"The truth is like a sunrise. It brings light and clarity to a darkened world." - Unknown

"The truth is the foundation of trust and authenticity." - Unknown

"The truth is like a mirror. It reflects who we are and who we aspire to be." - Unknown

"The truth is like a fire. It may be fierce, but it purifies and strengthens." - Unknown

"The truth is the foundation of justice." - Unknown

"The truth is like a seed. Plant it, nurture it, and watch it grow." - Unknown

"The truth is a shield against deceit." - Unknown

"The truth is like a compass. It guides us through life's journey." - Unknown

"The truth is a bridge that connects hearts and minds." - Unknown

"The truth is a powerful force that cannot be hidden forever." - Unknown

"The truth is like a melody. It resonates in our hearts and minds." - Unknown

"The truth is a mirror that reflects our innermost selves." - Unknown

"The truth is a light that dispels darkness." - Unknown

"The truth is like a diamond. It may be hidden, but its value is undeniable." - Unknown


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